It’s pretty simple: In the northern hemisphere, the sun shines from the south. So above the equator, any property you buy or land for sale will enjoy significantly more sunlight exposure on the southern portion of the land or building, thus the term “southern exposure.”
So what are the exact benefits of this when you’re searching for land to buy or a home for sale anywhere from south Texas to Wisconsin to Nova Scotia to Key West?
Well, that depends on a myriad of things, but specifically your personal desire and how you intend to use the land or building. In the world of residential real estate, buyers typically prefer homes for sale that boast a southern view. Obviously, most folks enjoy the sunshine streaming through their home and that solar output holds a number of advantages:
Cold Climate Energy Savings: That daylong sunlight helps to warm any building during the winter months, keeping the heating bill in check. Alas, that same space will bake during the hot summer months, adding to the cooling bill, so in a way, the energy savings evens out.
Depression Cure: During the dark, long, cold days of winter, those special treats (days with sunlight!) excite all of us as we otherwise experience the winter doldrums. How beautiful it is when we get a sunny day floating through the house or work spot in January! That sunlight is a boon!
Winter Melt: Searching for land to buy anywhere from the mountains of Washington State to those of West Virginia or Vermont? How about along a high ridge in North Dakota or New Mexico? Whether you seek vacation homes for sale, ranch land for sale, a list of investment properties available on the market, farm land, or commercial real estate for sale, you probably want to know what the driving will be like and how quickly large snowfalls and icy conditions melt away.
There’s nothing as beautiful as a foot or two of snowfall in the foothills of Utah or mountains of upper New York state, but it sure is even prettier when the stuff melts nicely, quickly, and the roads are clear a day or so later. A home, building, or any property facing the south will enjoy that benefit after a blizzard, while those plots of land with the misfortune to sit on the northern side of a mountain or hill will get only a few hours of that sun and warmth and see their white stuff stick around and cause a mess!
Plant and Vegetation Growth: Whether it’s a fern in the office window, a vegetable garden in the backyard, or a farming or livestock operation, it’s clear that southern exposure will affect your green thumb. If you’re a professional farmer or rancher, you’ll need to consider how much sunlight you wish your fields, crops, or animal pens to receive. And the same holds true for a hobbyist growing roses, radishes, or raspberries.
Solar Power: While most of the other issues listed here are dependent on the wishes of the individual or planned use of the land, those who want to benefit from the gathering of solar power via panels or other devices clearly will be most successful when the land or property lolls about in the full glory of southern exposure.
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