Qoura is one of those great websites that would give opportunity for every person to ask random questions about any topic, and since I am living off the grid I always visit this website.
When people would post their response to answer a specific question the users will vote to which of the answer they find most helpful or correct. So I looked over for the question “how difficult it is to live off the grid and I found this answer in the site.”
“I live on a permaculture farm and am developing methods of sustainable agriculture,” answered by Brian
Fey and it has 43 votes from Quora users.
I live off the electrical, water and meat grid. To live off the electrical grid has changed a lot and it became easier because solar technology has improved a lot. LED lights are now more efficient. There is a lot of technological development that would allow people for a richer lifestyle but with less energy consumption. Batteries have developed and improved a lot. Inverters even have developed from 12 volt to 120 volts. It has improved more in efficiency. That is why the need for special devices has decreased and the electricity can already be sent further.
The opportunity of solar cooking is made easier and we understand how to and even the process of composting toilets has been improved and it saves more water.
To live off the grid would mean being far away from most people and being isolated. Through the development of the internet this isolation was lessened if you would think about virtual presence.
This is a short description of the energy systems at the Bosque Village.
What makes living off the grid challenging is that the consumption of every person has most likely increased.
A lot of people in the developed world have never experienced hardships such as the great depression so the lessons are most often taken for granted. We usually want to eat food that were imported from far away and have developed a lot of habits that would consume largely. That is why it would be hard to live in a city that would be able to provide you lesser than what you consume. Luckily, with today’s technology there is no need to adjust, everything has been improved to be able to meet the needs and expectation for every individual.
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